Monday, January 26, 2009

Assessments - What Have We Learned?

Can it be the end of the semester already? It certainly is and that means it is time for assessments of what we have learned. I have learned what an outstanding staff we have here at West Salem High School. For instance, Patrick scurries around all day making sure our computers are functioning. I went to thank him last week ...and ask for help with another project. I learned about his trip to the presidential inauguration. Optimistically, he had asked Senator Kurt Schrader for a ticket and... he received one! While in our nation's capitol, optimistically he asked President Obama for his autograph on his photograph and...he received it! Check out his slide show at and note the photo with Peter of Peter, Paul and Mary! Or go see the real deal in Patrick's office and... while you are there, thank him for giving us all that super tech support we ask for and more.
Speaking of asking, here is an assessment of your understanding of the three levels of questions Drew taught us about in a recent faculty meeting video. See if you can label these questions 1 (right there in the story), 2 (inferred) and 3(way out there).

What are the dates for the play Pippin? (hint click on the photo - Feb 6,7 &13,14) Who are the producers ? (hint - it's a musical.) Thanks, Lori and Jesse. We will be there.
What did Ty, Damien and Micah serve for our staff breakfast?

Which beverage does Derek usually drink for breakfast?

Why is Carol smiling about her many students progressing from good to great?

What is Bryan's favorite instrument to play in the band? How can Jon be so good natured when he has all those math problems to correct?

What tips could Janis give us on organizing our own curriculum libraries?

How many little girls does Kevin have?

Why would Jason's students give him a happy birthday banner and insist that he keep it up all year?

Why is Ted smiling? (hint: he gets to play with expensive toys all day.)Are Jay, Kevin and Micah smarter than fifth graders, Chris? Do Kappy and Ty always color-coordinate their clothes? Do Bobby and Ressi always agree so quickly on everything? Did we have fun at the breakfast? Yes, guys. We did. Thanks for a great first semester, everyone.

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